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Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sioux Falls Reading Families

The SD Reading Council's Reading Challenge
  1. Students can read books of their choice. No textbooks allowed. Students can also count the books that are read to them. Each book may be listed only one time.

  1. Students may use the Log form provided or a similar form. The front of the form needs to have Name, Title of the book, Date finished book, and Number of pages. These pages are turned into the teacher or SDRC member to be checked. It is up to the teacher/sponsor to check entries for RED FLAGS before judging.

4. Name tag pages need to be turned into the local council to be judged at that level. Nametags must be filled in completely and legibly, and signed by the Local Council President. Only the NAMETAG PAGE needs to be sent to the state chairperson.

  1. Forms need to be handed out by Sept. 1, 2009 and collected on January 3, 2010. This should be a learning experience. Make sure students understand the rules.

  1. Individual students my submit entries to the local council committee with the signature of a sponsoring SDRC member

  1. Local Councils may submit three regular and one modified entries per grade level to t

    he State Committee.

  1. To be entered in the Modified category the student must be on a Language Arts IEP.

  1. Local Councils may send the nametags with total pages read of three regular and one modified entries for each grade level, PreK to 12, to State Chairperson - Gary Weismantel - P.O. Box 331 – Herreid, SD 57632 – by January 9, 2010 or turned in during the Winter Leadership meeting.

  1. Deadlines will be strictly enforced. Participating councils should make arrangements for mailing before the deadline date. Appeals for extensions of deadline dates will be treated on a case basis due to extreme circumstances only.

  1. Decisions of the SD Reading Challenge are final. The SD Reading Challenge Committee will review all entries. Entries will not be returned.

  1. All awards will be given at the annual convention of the SD Reading Council. (The dates for the convention vary according to scheduling). These dates will be listed in the SDRC Leadership manual every year and reminders printed in the SDRC Newsletters. In the event that a convention does not take place in a given year, awards will be mailed to winners.


Jennifer Noble said...

The last I checked, they needed a new area committee to keep this program going.

Cadieux et Langevin said...

Me want to help..I want to see them have a better life! This is my future workforce ;)