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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Cure Tooth Decay? Sure you can!

                My in-loves asked me why I would want to read a book about tooth decay.  I told them I might be missing something, feeling that a little more research never hurt.  Immediately as I read the first chapter, the voice of my dentist came into my thoughts.  I’ve heard a lot about brushing and flossing, but not much on how our diets affect the remineralization of our teeth. 

“Cure Tooth Decay” by Ramiel Nagel goes far beyond calcium and dairy products when it comes to foods that crEATe strong teeth.  Nagel studied the oral health of tribal cultures that do not typically practice regular brushing and flossing and deducted several smart conclusions on what they were and were not eating and how those foods would either cause or prevent decay.  I like to take a gradual approach to adding healthy recipes into our family's rotation, and for me this book solidified some of the changes we've been making.  I appreciate that Nagel took nutritional concepts and applied them to oral health.
                Right away I could identify with Nagel’s shock when it comes to a surprise at the dentist.  He wrote about his passion to research and write this book came from the struggle over his daughter’s dental work.  I felt this same disappointment when my son was seven years old and the dentist told me he’d have a cavity to be worked on as soon as his baby tooth fell out and the permanent tooth came in.  I was wondering how this could even happen if we were diligently brushing.
                For us, it was diet --mainly sugar overload.  I’m guessing we were between 50-70 grams of sugar per day, and this is without drinking any pop and rarely having candy.  I’m not exactly sure, but I know we weren’t really watching it when it came to “healthy” foods like granola bars, juice and yogurt, but wow – the sugar grams really add up quick. 

For us, we traded drinking fruit juices to having lemon water or eating the fruit plain and watching sugar grams with snacks and treats.
In comparing this Oikos label to Yoplait's original - there are 8 more sugar grams in Yoplait's yogurt.  This happens all the time.  Most granola bars have substantial differences as well. 
Nagel says, “Some dentists offer a saliva test to determine of tooth decay is active.”  So basically, the sugar we eat goes beyond the surface into the bloodstream, saliva, etc.  Although we know this fact in theory, unless we’re trying to get our sugar grams down to 20-30 a day (or less if you’re so inclined), we are likely going to see regular cavities. 

                Additional research in “Cure Tooth Decay:  Reminieralize Cavities & Repair Your Teeth Naturally with Good Food,” goes on to make connections to hormones and other responses we see in our bodies that can indicate the health of our teeth.  Further, Nagel’s research touches on oral care where it’s an important matter because dental visits are at a minimum, say in the military or for young children.  This book is truly a must-read for expecting moms, as it will pave the way for their toddler’s nutrition and subsequent healthy gums and teeth.  I've done further digging onto his website and found additional tips and resources in conjuction with the book.  If you don't win my copy from Rafflecopter, it's a great resource to add to your home.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

I like the article on foods that inhibit cavities. It is amazing the food we eat and we don't bother to give it a second thought on what it does to us.

Here is the link to the article

Thanks for a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My dental tip is to also from time to time massage your gums. This helps to release particles and stimulate your gums to grow healthier

Jennifer Noble said...

Thanks Kevin - there's a link on the Cure Tooth Decay about blotting, and the massage idea seems very similar.