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Monday, June 02, 2008

Writing Exercise #6 - Tommy Walker

Sunday during worship "I have a Father" - was a song I wanted to know more about.  I've seen Tommy Walker's name on a few we've learned at Central. shares more of his music and gives instruction to his methods in writing a song.  The topic of staying on a theme - and soaking into the major line of the song is what struck me.  My hope is work on this with something I'm writing about right now - being true to your mate.  Everyday being true to the core in this love, inspired by the verse in Proverbs 31:12 saying, "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."  

Writing exercise...when we can share that inspiration so clearly, focused & with intention, it will bring about eternal change. This is powerful, beautiful & can bring lasting joy as the good takes root in our lives.  


Regina said...

Thanks for your comment on my Iowa State Fair entry. Checking out your blog, Tommy Walker's name caught my attention. I sing in my church's praise band & Tommy's music is a favorite. "He Knows My Name" (I have a father) is one of my favorites.
Blessings to you.

Jennifer Noble said...

Mine too! Thanks - & keep singing! Jennifer