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Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Kind of People

Last night I was thinking about the people I seem to be most drawn to, and then I proceeded to classify them into three kinds.  I'm curious if you've noted a similar feeling and if people have put their differences aside to be blessed.  Encourage me with your stories...

1)  Serious but likes to have fun.  For me, this is the easiest kind of person to relate to, and what I consider myself to be.  It's sort of like there's a pretty distinct difference between work & fun time.  Overall, serious to me means you're diligent, like to connect on a feelings level...not just this is what's on my plate this week type of discussion, and you work more than you play.  You still will allow yourself breaks to recharge, and you relax daily.  I've given myself some freedom in this area from looking at God's model of working 6 days and taking a day of rest.  That proportion can be modeled on a smaller scale within a day.  Oh, and one last thing, we'd better have fun if we planned on such, which means laughter and experiencing something new together or if it's familiar -- it was on purpose!  Isn't it nice to have friends who will take turns generating ideas and being creative together?

2)  Fun but finds difficulty in being serious.  I love lots of fun people who struggle to dig down deep or bail out on work from time to time. I feel bad for them when the subject turns somber, and sometimes wonder if they're just bored or if there's some stuffed experiences and pain that they don't want to surface.

3)  Serious but rarely gives themselves the opportunity for fun.  I guess I can more often tend towards this side of the spectrum...probably because growing up my dad was big on work, and approval for it, and fun wasn't encouraged on a daily basis.  As I see it now, I worry - just cuz I know how depressing it can be.  Don't you think the more fun you have, the more fun you want to have?  Take weekends for example.  I guess my encouragement here would be to recapture your last joyful moment in today, and the next day, and the next. 

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. James 3:17

He continued, "Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink; and share it with those who don't have anything: This day is holy to God. Don't feel bad. The joy of God is your strength!"  Nehemiah 8:10

Do a favor and win a friend forever; nothing can untie that bond. Proverbs 18:19

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