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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Writing Exercise #9 ~ of 20

Most of the editing I experience is cutting away words. It's nearly impossible, at least for most beginning writers, to be concise in early drafts. That might be due to the fact that we're excited or trying to articulate something new.  It's definitely a challenge to communicate clearly without revision. One way to help yourself when writing is to eliminate words in a problem sentence. Rework it by subtracting a word, than another, until you have something that captures the message and doesn't ramble.

Just for humor's sake, I'm going to nab one of the pieces I'm working on and try it out on you.  Here we go...

The first step in my quest was going in reverse to experience what we did at first, a biblical principle out of context, thinking we may re-discover a love of spontaneity and zest in living again.

I started by going in reverse to remember what we did at first. I backed up to the point in our marriage when we cherished our time together. It couldn't all be routine and still capture the freshness of experiencing life in spontaneous ways. 

I started by going in reverse to remember what we did at first. I backed up to the point of marriage when we cherished time together. It couldn't all be routine and capture the freshness of experiencing life in spontaneous ways. 

I'm content - your turn to dig something out!

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