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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

A Better Beef Stick

    Awhile back when I'd ordered a front quarter of beef, I went to the Elkton, South Dakota, locker.  I was hungry after the 45 minute drive and grabbed a few packages of beef sticks.  I'd been wanting to find beef sticks that didn't have so many nitrates, but figured that would be an impossible task.  It never dawned on me that a meat locker would be the place to go.  I was so pleased to eat these wonderful beef sticks and not be burping them up all day!

    That week I told my taekwondo class how I was wanting to find a local locker that I could find the same quality of beef sticks.  Leave it to the tough guys of my taekwondo class to know where to send me.  Mr. B. said he took all of his meat to Lee's Locker in Tea, South Dakota, to be processed.  They actually call their beef sticks "Snack sticks," and they have smoked, jalapeno, cheese and pizza flavors.

    I followed 57th to the Hwy to Tea (it's marked) then went right on 271st.  When it turns to gravel, you have about 7 properties to go (about 1/2 mile) to a home-based business that looks like this from the road.  Inside you'll find all the goods!

    My other project for the week was going through three of our closets and parting with clothes we no longer wanted.  We had a family in need that we knew of, so it made parting with everything a blessing!  Plus now it can get cold and I'm ready to go...ahh, sometimes organization is bliss.


Jane Heitman Healy said...

Great update! We've been buying bison in rural Luverne--Prairie Heights Bison. It's really good, but no snack sticks.

Jennifer Noble said...

I like Luverne - home of the drive in movie!!!