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Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Center Scrubbies

When you head into "The Center," it's about twenty-five steps to their "Crafts and More" store.  I love the old-fashioned cash register and handiwork inside.  My favorite though are the crocheted scrubbies to work the grime off your dishes.  Maybe you're in the boat of washing them right away and you don't need something as abrasive as I do, but if you're with me - I am sending off an orange or red one to a reader this week.

Stop by the Center and shop and see for yourself.  I'm considering buying some tickets for their December charter bus that will tour Sioux Falls to look at Christmas lights.  I figure that way everyone can watch instead of one of the guys being our driver.  The Center (formerly called for Active Generations), is behind the Western Mall in Sioux Falls.  You can jaunt across the fence or find 46th Street - whatever is easier for you!

2300 W 46th St, Sioux Falls, SD

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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