This post was inspired by my husband's comments as he processed one of his "Quests for Authentic Manhood" classes. We celebrated an early Christmas, and he had received a much-needed new pair of shoes. Chad started to explain one of the challenges presented for their manhood quest was to take care of what you need to take care of. (Women, does this sound remotely familiar?) For example, if you need a new pair of pants, go buy a pair of pants. My response was simply, "But I like shopping for you." To which he said, "But at least I could tell you what I need." So, in some twisted way, I felt very guilty for his overdue slip on the shoes! My deal was simply waiting for the good deal! And we succeeded by finding these priceless wonders at an outlet store...for I can't remember how much??
My creative energies these days (Part 1 of the authentic woman) are steered towards completing some crocheted mittens. I found the website where I spotted a pattern that looked do~able. This was after a second crash course from Grandma over our holiday festivities. As far as my hubbie's manhood...those resources can be found at The second series of classes will be starting soon, and perhaps a new round next fall. By that time, he should look like a brand new man! Maybe I should schedule a date night, too, right?!